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Established in 1905, the Royal Automobile Club (RAC) has been serving the Western Australian community for over a century. As a member-driven organisation, RAC is committed to its ESG goals of developing a safer, sustainable, and connected future for Western Australians.

Business Challenge

To monitor progress, RAC developed […]


Welding Supplier

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Our client is a leading welding supplier and hire specialist in Western Australia.

The objective of the project was to develop an Excel-based solution that centralises and standardises supplier pricing. This initiative enabled automated updates to a Master Price List, leveraging supplier pricing and predetermined markup rules. The goal […]


Multi-national Mining Company

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Our client is a leading global mining company.

Business Challenge

Our client required a comprehensive Global Portfolio Dashboard to monitor and analyse cost and schedule performance across their operations. In addition, they needed detailed reports to deliver insights to the Board and key stakeholders about the status and progress of […]



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BGC is one of Australia’s leading vertically integrated construction material businesses with a focus on residential and commercial construction.

Business Challenge

BGC had some existing Power BI reports which monitored key HR performance indicators such as employee attrition, absenteeism and leave entitlements.

The reports required an update to reflect recent changes […]


Helix Resources

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An exploration company located in Western Australia.

Business Challenge

Helix had identified an economically recoverable iron ore resource of 60 million tonnes within its tenements which it wanted to progress towards production.

The company needed an initial feasibility study so that it could consider the cost-benefit outcomes of various strategies for […]



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A large independent energy company.

Business Challenge

Our client required customised training for their in-house financial analysts. They wanted a course that encouraged analysts to think about how to design and construct a financial model from scratch, utilising their newly developed financial modelling standards.

How Access Analytic Helped

After consulting with the […]

Client testimonials

We are thrilled to have helped hundreds of businesses in Perth and worldwide over the years.

See our Client Success Stories