Creating Local Range Names in Multiple Sheets
By Jeff Robson
Working with grouped sheets is a great way of manipulating lots of sheets at once and eliminating repetitive tasks.
Excel also lets you have the same range name on multiple sheets, each with its scope set to that sheet only.
But what if you want to use a new range name on your grouped sheets? Normally you’d have to go and create this manually on each of the sheets in your target group of sheets … a very time-consuming process if you have a lot of sheets in the group.
Here’s a little macro that will help to make your life easier!
In our file, we assigned it to the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-R
In our file, all grouped sheets have the same tab colour, the index number of which is stored in a range name called refDataSheetColour.
The formula in this range name is simply =SheetColour(Template!A1) since Template is the sheet name of one of our grouped sheets.
The code for this user-defined function is:
Function SheetColour(Optional rngRange As Range) As String
‘** SheetColour
‘** Returns the sheet index colour of the cell/range passed to it
‘** AUTHOR :
‘** Jeff Robson
‘** Jul 2010
‘** rngRange relevant range
‘** sheet name as string
If rngRange Is Nothing Then
Set rngRange = Application.Caller
End If
SheetColour = rngRange.Parent.Tab.ColorIndex
End Function
(Note: Feel free to change the spelling of “colour” if you’re in North America!)
We then use the following code to create the local range names in all the sheets that have the right tab colour:
Sub CreateRangeName()
Dim rngTarget As Range
Dim wksThis As Worksheet
Dim stRangeName, stOutput As String
Dim i As Integer
‘assigned to Ctrl+Shift+R
‘get the user to select the range of cells to be named and the range name to be created
Set rngTarget = Application.InputBox(prompt:=”Select target range”, Title:=”Select Range”, Type:=8)
stRangeName = InputBox(prompt:=”Enter Range Name”, Title:=”Range Name”)
‘exit if inputbox cancelled
If rngTarget Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If NameExists(stRangeName) = False Then
MsgBox prompt:=”The name ‘” & stRangeName & “‘ cannot be created because it already exists in the file.”, Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbCritical, Title:=”Name Error”
Exit Sub
End If
‘create the range name on each worksheet that has the right tab color
For Each wksThis In Worksheets
If wksThis.Tab.ColorIndex =