Forecasting & Financial Modelling Techniques, And Key Driver Analysis

Forecasting & Financial Modelling Techniques, and Key Driver Analysis By Access Analytic These two key topics were the subjects of presentations by Access Analytic Principal Business Analyst, Jeff Robson, during June’s ‘2013 CPA Week’ in Brisbane. Successful forecasting – predicting or estimating the future based on past and present data – is fundamental to [...]

 Rolling Forecasts

Rolling Forecasts That annoying crystal ball By Jonathan Lim Financial forecasting is a process that flows through the veins of effective organisations. Unfortunately, these same forecasts can cause organisational blood clots if healthy practices aren’t followed. Two practices to avoid are: Trying to shorten the process or; Viewing the end result as a crystal [...]

Forecasting secrets of thriving companies

Forecasting secrets of thriving companies By Jeff Robson The recently released AFP (Association for Financial Professionals) Risk Survey reveals that over 59% of CFOs are facing greater volatility in earnings today than they were five years ago. Across all types of organisations, more than half the financial professionals surveyed also reported that it is more difficult [...]

 Is Confusing Targets With Forecasts Holding You Back?

Is confusing Targets with Forecasts holding you back? By Jeff Robson Mixing targets and forecasts is a recipe for potential bias, and flawed, ill-informed decision making Targets are what an organisation would ideally like to achieve. Forecasts are what will most likely be achieved. Targets and forecasts will often be different. It’s not a [...]

 To Be Direct Or Not To Be

To be direct or not to be By Jonathan Lim   Most people know that a cash flow statement is analysed between operating, investing and financing activities.  Of these three activities, it is hard to overstate the importance of operating cash flows, which is the discretionary cash a company has at its disposal for [...]

 The Top 10 Ways CFOs Can Do More With Less – Part 1

The Top 10 ways CFOs can do more with less – Part 1 By Jeff Robson Travelling around to different businesses, it seems that everyone is under pressure to reduce costs and improve productivity. But how do you do this when everyone is already working really hard? They’re already too busy just getting all [...]

 The Top 10 Ways CFOs Can Do More With Less – Part 2

The Top 10 ways CFOs can do more with less – Part 2 By Jeff Robson This article continues on from Part 1   Travelling around to different businesses, it seems that everyone is under pressure to reduce costs and improve productivity. But how do you do this when everyone is already working really [...]

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