Going Backwards
One Really Simple way to Trace Formulas Backwards
By Jeff Robson
Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that are often the best.
Well, here’s a really simple thing that can make your life as a formula tracker a LOT easier.
If you want to trace a formula back and go to the cell(s) that make up your formula, press Ctrl+[ (hold down Ctrl and press the left square bracket key) and all the formula’s precedent cells will be highlighted.
Example 1:
If you click on a cell that contains =A1+B2+D7 and press Ctrl+[ then cells A1, B2 and D7 will all be selected.
Example 2:
If you click on a cell that contains =Sheet2!A2 and press Ctrl+[ then cell A2 on Sheet2 will be selected.
Example 3:
f you click on a cell that contains =’W:Budget2010[Marketing Division.xlsx]Links Out’!D56 and press Ctrl+[ Excel will open up this file and take you to cell D56 on the sheet named Links Out
Sometimes when you’re going backwards you make a lot of progress!