Project Description

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Established in 1905, the Royal Automobile Club (RAC) has been serving the Western Australian community for over a century. As a member-driven organisation, RAC is committed to its ESG goals of developing a safer, sustainable, and connected future for Western Australians.

Business Challenge

To monitor progress, RAC developed an Excel spreadsheet, which, over time, had become complicated and unreliable, making it increasingly difficult to use and understand.
This posed a significant problem, given that effective monitoring of the metrics is integral to RAC’s mission and strategy.

How Access Analytic Helped

To address these challenges, we redeveloped the existing spreadsheet using the features available in modern Excel. The redesigned ESG spreadsheet was set up to collect and store data in a more structured and robust manner. Following this, we integrated Power BI with the spreadsheet and utilised RAC’s templates to develop reporting that was simpler, more powerful, more intuitive, and also more visually appealing.

Business Benefits

  • Efficiency: RAC staff now spend less time on data entry and updates.
  • Clarity: The ESG reports generated are clearer and easier to understand.
  • Detail-Oriented: Users can now drill down for additional details, making the data more actionable.
  • Enhanced Reception: Overall, the new ESG reporting framework has been received more positively within the organisation, aiding in better decision-making.