Printer Trays In VBA

Printer Trays in VBA I have recorded a macro to print my sheets. I need to print some sheets single-sided and others double-sided. Is it possible to create a macro to do this? By Neale Blackwood Macros don't have many limitations, but changing printer settings is one of them. The solution is to set [...]


 Change Page Orientation On All Sheets

Change page orientation on all sheets Is there a quick way to change the page orientation from portrait to landscape on all the sheets in a workbook? By Neale Blackwood Yes. Right click on the sheet name tabs, click Select All Sheets. Now click the File menu, select Page Setup, then click the Page [...]


 Print Title Tips

Print Title Tips How do I set up titles when printing in Excel? I can see the area I need to change but it is 'greyed out' in the Sheet tab of the Setup section of Print Preview? By Neale Blackwood This is a common problem in Excel. To put titles ie; Rows to [...]


 Change Print Page To A4

Change print page to A4 We receive worksheets from other divisions that have the paper size set to Letter. This affects how the pages print out on A4 paper. Is there an easy way to convert all the sheets in a workbook to the A4 paper size? By Neale Blackwood The macro below will [...]


 Enter & Symbol In The Header Or Footer

Enter & symbol in the Header or Footer How do you print the & (ampersand) character in the Header? By Neale Blackwood The & character is used to define certain information that can be printed in Headers and Footers. To print the & character itself use &&. Hence, if you want to print Smith [...]


 Page Break View

Page Break View Print feature By Neale Blackwood In Excel 2003 and earlier versions the View menu has an option called Page Break Preview. This displays your spreadsheet slightly differently. It usually zooms out so you can see more of the sheet. Areas that won't print have a grey background and the white area [...]


 Getting Great Margins

Getting Great Margins Print Margins By Jeff Robson You have a beautiful spreadsheet that really needs to be on one page, but it just doesn't quite fit properly. You just need an extra 0.5cm (or three sixteenths of an inch if you're with the Imperial forces) to make your page complete and allow people [...]


 Printing Marginally Better

Printing marginally better Excel 2007 new feature By Neale Blackwood Excel 2007 has a new button that allows you to amend your margins quickly. On the Page Layout Ribbon in the Page Setup section there is a Margin button. This has a drop down selection with the some standard settings and it remembers your [...]


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