7 Forecasting Habits of Highly Successful Companies

Market volatility, depressed prices and slow growth are major factors affecting virtually all companies. For everyone, the focus on maintaining and improving their financial position is intense and this means planning, budgeting and forecasting has never been more critical to success. So here are the seven forecasting habits of highly successful companies: 1. Forecast in two directions Top [...]

What do you do when costs go bad?

What do you do when costs go bad? CFOs in the mining, resources & engineering sectors are facing cost pressures and pricing volatilities that are squeezing profits. Key risks on the radars of many CFOs include: Declining commodity prices How to reduce wage, salary and contracting costs (that are often combined with diminishing productivity). Increasing taxes [...]

How to Gain a Competitive Advantage from Forecasting

Accuracy of Budgets and Forecasts In times of increasing volatility, decision-makers have an even greater need for meaningful, accurate, up-to-date financial projections so they can respond to changes in economic conditions rapidly. In a recent survey of global corporations, research firm Aberdeen Group found that market volatility is the major challenge for effective financial [...]

 Forecasting & Financial Modelling Techniques, And Key Driver Analysis

Forecasting & Financial Modelling Techniques, and Key Driver Analysis By Access Analytic These two key topics were the subjects of presentations by Access Analytic Principal Business Analyst, Jeff Robson, during June’s ‘2013 CPA Week’ in Brisbane. Successful forecasting – predicting or estimating the future based on past and present data – is fundamental to [...]

Forecasting secrets of thriving companies

Forecasting secrets of thriving companies By Jeff Robson The recently released AFP (Association for Financial Professionals) Risk Survey reveals that over 59% of CFOs are facing greater volatility in earnings today than they were five years ago. Across all types of organisations, more than half the financial professionals surveyed also reported that it is more difficult [...]

 Financial Modelling Risk Is Inevitable

Financial Modelling Risk is Inevitable Managed well, it can create business value, but the alternative can be costly. By Jeff Robson Effective modelling to quantify and manage business risk is vital across all industry sectors. Models can be Economic: examining strategic planning and project evaluation. Such models are typically long term (5-30 years), contain [...]

 The Top 10 Ways CFOs Can Do More With Less – Part 1

The Top 10 ways CFOs can do more with less – Part 1 By Jeff Robson Travelling around to different businesses, it seems that everyone is under pressure to reduce costs and improve productivity. But how do you do this when everyone is already working really hard? They’re already too busy just getting all [...]

 The Top 10 Ways CFOs Can Do More With Less – Part 2

The Top 10 ways CFOs can do more with less – Part 2 By Jeff Robson This article continues on from Part 1   Travelling around to different businesses, it seems that everyone is under pressure to reduce costs and improve productivity. But how do you do this when everyone is already working really [...]

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