Dynamic Data Validation with Tables in Excel

Dynamic Data Validation with Tables in Excel Welcome...this is an older post, you may be more interested in newer, more up to date techniques... For single dependent drop downs check out our video HERE For multi-row multi-level drop downs you can check out our blog post and video HERE   Check out our [...]

Excel tips & tricks to boost productivity

by Wyn Hopkins Boost your productivity with these shortcuts With over 20 years' experience in Excel we've picked up a few tips and tricks. We'll show you the shortcuts, features and formulas that will speed up your daily use of Excel. From SWITCH to Dependent Drop downs,  Grouping to Conditional Formatting,  clever validation lists and [...]

Power BI & Excel Virtual Classroom

Virtual Classroom - Power BI & Excel We're 100% still open for business and set up to deliver our highly rated Power BI and Excel "in - person" training via the magic of the internet! This is great, as not only do Perth clients continue to get access to our training courses, folks around Australia [...]

Dynamically consolidate multiple ranges

By Yury Tokarev Dynamically consolidate multiple ranges when loading Excel files from Folder in Power Query We've come across a task where we need to consolidate a client's budget data from Excel files, each representing a division, where any of the files may have multiple similarly structured tabs with sub-divisional data. In our [...]

3 Easy Steps to Manage your Data Fields

3 Easy Steps to Manage your Data Fields Want to control which data fields to keep in Power Query when removing other columns? When using the ‘Remove Other Columns’ transformation in Power Query (‘Get & Transform’ in Excel 2016+) the query editor hard-codes the remaining column names in the Advanced Editor. This is fine if your [...]

Excel’s 3 Best Kept Secrets

What are Excel's 3 Best Kept Secrets? Excel has seen great advancement in the last 10 years and every user who spends their days re-organising data can benefit hugely from Excel's 3 best kept secrets. 1. Power Query If you or members of your team use Excel a lot then you are missing out massively [...]

Dynamic Data Validation with Tables in Excel

Dynamic Data Validation with Tables in Excel   Check out our YouTube channel with weekly videos dedicated to Excel, Power Query and Power BI   Why is Excel returning an error message? Why doesn’t my formula work? What did I do wrong? The answer to these common questions may surprise you. Many spreadsheets [...]

Get & Transform to the rescue!

Get & Transform to the rescue! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's way better than that, it's Excel! Get & Transform, also known as Power Query, gives Excel users super powers. Here's the latest scenario where it has helped out and also is an opportunity for me to demonstrate a method [...]

Excel Dependent Drop Downs

  Dependent Drop Down Box How to do one of those trickier tasks in Excel: set up a drop down box that is dependent on the result of another drop down box. The scenario If coffee is selected from drop down A then I want a list of coffee types to appear in drop [...]

Easy Cumulative totals in Tables

Easy Cumulative totals in Tables The single greatest advancement in Excel in the last 10 years was the introduction of Tables.  Yet although Tables were introduced in Excel 2007 there is still a huge number (I'd even say the majority) of Excel users that don't know how to create tables or understand what they do. This [...]

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