Unleash the Power of Cloud-Based Budgeting & Forecasting Software

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, cloud-based budgeting and forecasting software emerges as a set of indispensable tools for organisations aiming to stay ahead of the curve. Here at Access Analytic, we recognise the critical importance of efficient financial management in achieving sustainable growth and maintaining a competitive edge. 

That’s why we are proud to partner with Solver, a cutting-edge, cloud-based budgeting and forecasting solution, designed to revolutionise the way you manage your organisation’s finances.

What’s included in this article:

  • Benefits of cloud-based budgeting & forecasting software
  • Why Solver is our recommended software
  • Benefits of Solver 
  • Frequently asked questions 
  • A critical factor for any cloud based budgeting & forecasting software


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Benefits of Cloud-Based Budgeting & Forecasting Software

Streamline Your Financial Operations

Cloud-based budgeting and forecasting software offers a comprehensive suite of features meticulously crafted to streamline your organisation’s financial operations. Say goodbye to cumbersome spreadsheets and outdated software – with intuitive platforms such as Solver, you can effortlessly create, manage and analyse budgets and forecasts with ease.

Real-Time Insights for Informed Decision-Making

In today’s fast-paced business environment, timely insights are invaluable. With cloud-based budgeting and forecasting software, you gain access to real-time data and analytics, empowering you to make informed decisions swiftly and confidently. Whether you’re planning for the future or adjusting strategies on the fly, Solver provides the tools you need to stay agile and responsive.

Enhanced Collaboration and Accessibility

Collaboration is key to success in any organisation. Cloud-based budgeting and forecasting software facilitates seamless collaboration across teams and departments, allowing stakeholders to work together efficiently regardless of their location. With secure cloud storage and anytime, anywhere access, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page, driving alignment and synergy throughout your organisation.

Scalable Solutions for Every Business

Whether you’re a small startup or a multinational corporation, Solver’s cloud-based budgeting and forecasting software is designed to scale with your business. With flexible pricing plans and customisable features, you can tailor our software to suit your specific needs and budget. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all solutions – with Solver’s platform, you get precisely what you need, when you need it.

Why Solver is Our Recommended Software

Solver stands out as our recommended software for several reasons:

  • Firstly, its robust functionality allows for comprehensive budgeting, forecasting and reporting, catering to the diverse needs of modern businesses. 
  • Additionally, Solver’s user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy for users to navigate and utilise its features effectively. Because it uses Excel for designing reports and budget input templates, users require very little training since all their input templates can look the same. 
  • Moreover, Solver offers seamless integration with other business systems, including popular ERP’s and Power BI, ensuring smooth data flow and eliminating silos.

With its advanced capabilities and unparalleled flexibility, Solver emerges as the ideal solution for organisations seeking to optimise their financial management processes.

Benefits of Solver

Comprehensive Functionality: 

Solver offers a wide range of features including budgeting, forecasting, reporting and analysis providing organisations with all the tools they need to manage their finances effectively.

User-Friendly Interface: 

Solver’s intuitive design and user-friendly interface make it easy for users to navigate the software and perform complex financial tasks with ease.

Seamless Integration: 

Solver seamlessly integrates with other business systems, such as ERP and CRM platforms ensuring smooth data flow and eliminating the need for manual data entry.


Whether you’re a small startup, a not-for-profit, or a large enterprise, Solver can scale with your organisation, accommodating your changing needs and growing requirements.

Advanced Analytics:

The Solver Power BI connector enables easy access to powerful analytics capabilities, Solver enables organisations to gain valuable insights into their financial performance and make data-driven decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cloud-based forecasting?

Cloud-based forecasting refers to the practice of using cloud computing technology to perform forecasting activities such as predicting future trends, outcomes or events based on historical data and statistical analysis. This approach leverages the scalability, accessibility and collaborative features of cloud platforms to streamline the forecasting process and enable real-time insights across an organisation.

What is the best tool for forecasting?

The best tool for forecasting ultimately depends on the specific needs and requirements of the organisation. However, some popular options include Solver, Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (PBCS) and Adaptive Insights. These tools offer comprehensive functionality, user-friendly interfaces and advanced features for budgeting, forecasting and reporting.

What are the three different types of forecasting software?

The three primary types of forecasting software are:

  1. Statistical Forecasting Software: Relies on mathematical algorithms and historical data to predict future outcomes.
  2. Qualitative Forecasting Software: Incorporates subjective factors, such as expert opinions and qualitative data, into the forecasting process.
  3. Collaborative Forecasting Software: Enables multiple stakeholders within an organisation to contribute to the forecasting process collaboratively.

Which type of software would you use to prepare a budget forecast?

To prepare a budget forecast, you would typically use financial planning and analysis (FP&A) software or dedicated budgeting software. Solutions like Solver, Oracle PBCS and Adaptive Insights offer robust budgeting capabilities, making them suitable choices for budget forecast preparation.

Can Solver integrate with other business systems?

Yes, Solver offers seamless integration with a wide range of business systems, including ERP, CRM and accounting software. This ensures smooth data flow and eliminates the need for manual data entry, saving time and reducing errors.

Is Solver secure?

Yes, Solver prioritises data security and compliance. With advanced encryption and robust access controls, Solver ensures that your sensitive financial data is safe and protected at all times.

A critical factor for any cloud based-budgeting & forecasting software

It is crucial to engage experienced consultants when setting up your Solver software due to the complexity and critical nature of financial management processes. Experienced consultants possess in-depth knowledge of Solver’s functionalities and capabilities, enabling them to tailor the software implementation to your organisation’s specific requirements effectively. 

They can provide valuable insights and best practices gleaned from previous implementations, ensuring a smooth transition and optimal use of the software. Additionally, experienced consultants can offer strategic guidance and support throughout the implementation process, helping you maximise the benefits of Solver and achieve your financial management objectives efficiently. 

By leveraging the expertise of Access Analytic’s experienced consultants, you can mitigate risks, minimise disruptions, and unlock the full potential of your investment in Solver.


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