Hard coded data sources in Power BI

By Eric Marshall Hard coded data sources in Power BI Simple, hard-coded data tables can be useful data sources in Power BI (provided your data won’t change!). Here’s how to incorporate hard-coded data into your data model: Under the Home ribbon of Power BI Desktop, click “Enter Data”.   Double click on “Column1” and rename [...]

2024-06-12T14:24:17+08:00Power BI|

Power BI & Excel Virtual Classroom

Virtual Classroom - Power BI & Excel We're 100% still open for business and set up to deliver our highly rated Power BI and Excel "in - person" training via the magic of the internet! This is great, as not only do Perth clients continue to get access to our training courses, folks around Australia [...]

Corkscrew Calculations using Dynamic Array Functions

by Jeff Robson Corkscrew Calculations using Dynamic Array Functions If you've come to this page expecting information about how to open your wine bottles, you're going to be very disappointed!  Sorry! The corkscrew calculations we're talking about here are those you'd use when calculating a balance sheet account in a financial model. Accounts Receivable Example [...]

The Rise and Fall of the escalation formula

By Robert Hind Does your contract Rise and Fall let you down? When you're providing products or services in a long term relationship there is usually a contract which will typically include an Escalation (Rise and Fall) formula. The intent of the Escalation Formula is that cost increases or decreases should be passed on so [...]

Power Query and a Key Word search

By Wyn Hopkins Power Query and a Key Word search (Episode 1) This demonstration came about due to a real life scenario where I needed to categorise a transaction listing (like a bank statement for example) so that I could generate a summary report of categories of spend. All sorts of tips can [...]

2024-06-12T14:24:46+08:00Excel 2016, Power Query|

Shared Excel Templates

by Robert Hind Use Shared Excel Templates Smart use of Excel (or other Office applications) should feature use of templates. In a business those templates should be "Workgroup" templates (common templates available across the business). Workgroup templates offer Efficiency, Consistency, Accuracy, Automation and Professionalism. The purpose of this article isn't to expand on the importance [...]

2024-06-12T14:25:02+08:00Excel 2016|

Power Query and a file selector Macro

by Wyn Hopkins Power Query and a file selector Macro   If you have an Excel file containing Power Query and need to send it to colleagues, read on. If they need to be able to change where the source data for the Query is being pulled from then read on. If you [...]

Revealing Power BI’s Hidden Gems

by Wyn Hopkins Did you know about these hidden Power BI features? It seems unfortunate that for such an awesome product there are a few user interface features that are very difficult to discover. I have trained hundreds and hundreds of users in Power BI, and I get to experience people hitting these issues over [...]

2020-07-14T11:07:21+08:00Power BI, Power Query|

HYPERLINK and XLOOKUP to jump to a result

by Wyn Hopkins Use HYPERLINK and XLOOKUP to jump to a result   XLOOKUP will return a range so we can use it inside other formulas such as HYPERLINK to be able to jump to our result. Want to learn more? Jump on to one of our courses We've trained over 1,000 people from all [...]

Financial Modelling using Dynamic Array Functions – no Copying & Pasting!

by Jeff Robson Financial Modelling using Dynamic Array Functions Best practice financial modelling has always been to enter your formulas in blocks: enter a formula, then copy this across and possibly down also, making sure you have your absolute and relative references set correctly. This is very useful because it is faster to build a [...]

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